Kontakti radnika obezbeđenja iz ex-Yu koji traže posao na Bliskom Istoku
1. Bojan Tomašević
Profesija: Security Guard
Education and courses :
-Medium Technical and Technological
-School "Milentije Popović" Smederevo
Education: Middle school degree III level metal cutting
Additional knowledge and skills :Course for firefighter tested ( 2003rd year)
Fire Rate and State exam of the MUP of Serbia ( of 2006. year)
First aid and protection ( of 2008. year)
Passed the examination for knowledge of Arms pistol - type Revolver ( 2006god . )
Conscription : Disused Sep98 / 99
Knowledge of languages : English solid knowledge of the Russian language sufficiently solid voice communications.
Broj telefona: +381604391628